Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our Chipoupine
Weekly Writing Challenge Winner
is Tracy Dunne-Derrell!

We challenged you to create an inventive story inspired by this picture in 150 words or less. The catch? You had to mention the beautiful, ribbon-adorned skirt she's wearing in your piece. (Afterall, we're skirt! girls right?)

Read the winning entry here:

You don't know it yet, but you will be President someday. Not president of a bank or PTA, though those are certainly worthy, but THE President.
But today, you can revel in little girl-ness, the weight of the world carried by someone else. Despite your tomboy tendencies, you love pretty things, and this will be held against you as you make your way in the world, as if a woman can't be pretty and competent. A belief some won't release, even in your lifetime.
The rain has run its dreary course, leaving behind sunshine. You put on a beautiful, ribbon-adorned skirt. Your mother protests that it's too muddy outside, but marvels at the perfect outfit you create.
You're ready to run about in the sunshine, mud be damned. Your stubborn streak has earned you another win. Someday, you will thank your mother for not squashing that part of you. - Tracy Dunne-Derrell

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, wonderful story and wonderful news! It's great that a wider audience is getting to know the great writer, and her writing, that our writing group has gotten to know.
